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 For Parents Of Kids With ADHD… 

Improve Your Child’s Behavior Without Breaking Their Spirit – In 21 Days (Or Less)

The ADHD-Friendly Discipline Techniques will help your child do what they’re supposed to do without you having to repeat yourself, yell, threaten, or punish.

Ages 3-18
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Marko Juhant Verified icon
Parenting coach and bestselling author
Satisfied customers
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21-Day ADHD-Friendly Discipline Challenge
4.8 / 5 based on 834 reviews
  • Complete 3-Step ADHD-Friendly Discipline System designed to improve your child’s behavior
  • 21 Discipline Techniques tailored to kids with ADHD
  • 21 daily 5-minute e-mail lessons delivered to your inbox
  • Exact Protocols to follow when your child misbehaves, breaks a rule, or crosses a boundary
  • 14-day money-back guarantee – no questions asked
  • Instant Lifetime Access to all the materials
  • 4 FREE Bonus Gifts (Total Value $98): E-books, Templates & Printables for quick and easy implementation – Available only this week.
only $28 
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What is the 21-Day ADHD-Friendly Discipline Challenge?

The ADHD-Friendly Discipline Challenge is a collection of 21 ADHD-Friendly Discipline Techniques specifically tailored to kids with ADHD.

Some discipline techniques, although perfectly suited for 90% of the kids, just don’t work for kids with ADHD.

Because their brains are wired differently, children need a set of positive discipline techniques that are tailor-made for their needs.

So I designed the 21-Day challenge with this specific goal in mind.

The emails are short and straight to the point.

No fluff. No theory.

Just tried, tested, and proven practical techniques you can implement instantly and experience the changes the same day.

After 21 Short Days, You Will…

  • Improve your child’s behavior without repeating yourself, yelling, or punishing
  • Experience less explosive behavior from your child because you’ll have a handful of techniques to react appropriately in different problem situations
  • Tap into your child’s intrinsic motivation to do chores and schoolwork (even when they don’t feel like doing it)
  • Become a parent who really understands your child so you know how best to help them
  • Go to bed feeling like the “Best Mom or Dad in the World” on a daily basis


The 21-Day ADHD-Friendly Discipline Challenge

Get your child to do what they’re supposed to do without repeating yourself, yelling, or punishing

fi adhd friendly discipline challenge (1)

You’ll receive…

  • 21 daily 5-minute e-mail lesson to your inbox: Each email includes one ADHD-Friendly Discipline Technique designed to improve your child’s behavior
  • 8 Instant Correctors: Correct your child’s behavior the moment it happens – without repeating yourself, yelling, or punishing
  • 6 Connection Protocols: Become a parent who really understands your child so you know how best to help them
  • 7 Independence Conditioning Techniques: Empower your child to develop self-control so they can correct their behavior when you’re not around
  • Exact Protocols to Follow When Your Child Misbehaves: Explained in simple, easy-to-follow steps
  • 14-day money-back guarantee (no questions asked): Go through all the materials at your own pace 100% risk-free
  • Instant Lifetime Access to all the materials: Download them, print them out or view them on your phone any time, anywhere
  • 4 FREE Bonus Gifts (Total Value $98): E-books, Templates & Printables for quick and easy implementation – Available only this week.

Total Value: $147
List Price: $49

Special Sale: $28
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So what’s inside the 21-Day ADHD-Friendly Discipline Challenge? And how can it help you?

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For the next 21 days, you’ll receive one email per day with one ADHD-Friendly Discipline technique. 

These techniques are designed to teach your child what’s acceptable and what isn’t in a gentle but firm way…

…And so they don’t use their ADHD as an excuse to not do the things they don’t want to do.

They work so well you won’t have to nag, repeat yourself, or yell.

This means less family stress and improved loving connections.

mother family

Here’s just a tiny preview of what’s in the ADHD-Friendly Challenge

In the Challenge, I’ll guide you through the complete 3-step ADHD-Friendly Discipline System:

Step #1: Correct your child’s behavior without triggering a “World War III”

Kids with ADHD often resist doing things they are supposed to do because they find them boring or because they simply don’t want to do them.

In these situations, you need bulletproof techniques that tap into your child’s unique brain blueprint without triggering their defiant response.

Here’s a snippet of what you’ll learn in the first part:

  • 8 “Instant Correctors”: ADHD-tailored techniques rooted in positive discipline to get your child to do what they’re supposed to do without resistance
  • How To Assign Consequences that help your child learn from their misbehavior without breaking their spirit
  • What To Do When Your Child Crosses A Boundary so that they take ownership of their behavior without shaming and blaming
  • A Fun Way To Tap Into Your Child’s Internal Motivation without buying them a new toy, a phone, or a video game

After mastering these techniques, you’ll no longer feel powerless when your child misbehaves.

They’ll learn how to respect rules and boundaries and behave in a way that makes you a proud parent.

Step #2: Develop a stronger bond with your child so that your corrections become more effective

Kids with ADHD commonly feel their parents (and other people around them) don’t understand them.

They get this feeling when parents get mad at them for behavior outside of their control.

This fragments the trust between you and your child.

They start lying to you more often about their schoolwork, who they’re hanging out with, and what they’re going through.

They also become more defiant.

That’s why, in the second part of the Challenge, you’ll learn:

  • 6 “Connection Protocols” to build a trusting and loving relationship with your child.
  • How To Calm Down Your Child In The Moment and set the stage for more meaningful conversation and cooperation once emotions have settled
  • A Specific Set Of Questions that will help you get to the root cause of your child’s misbehavior. Often, ADHD kids become defiant when they’re afraid, anxious, or worried.
  • A Simple Assistance Protocol that will help you: (1) recognize when your child genuinely can’t do something, and (2) help them master the task in four steps.
  • The #1 Thing Your Child Craves And How To Fulfill It: Get this right, and you’ll instantly improve their cooperation.

Once you build a stronger connection with your child, they’ll start to trust you more.

In turn, they’ll be more likely to follow the rules and boundaries you set.

This means you won’t have to correct their behavior all the time because they’ll be more likely to learn how to behave appropriately.

Step #3: Empower your child to make good decisions on their own

Finally, you have to give your child skills so they can manage their behavior on their own.

Unmanaged ADHD leads to a whole lot of other problems down the road – from problems in intimate relationships, driving a car, managing money, or holding a job.

To set your ADHD child up for success and happiness, in the last part of the Challenge you’ll learn: 

  • 7 “Independence Conditioning Techniques” that will empower your child to manage their behavior when you’re not around (when they’re in school, with friends, or other public events)
  • Behavior Makeover: Watch your child naturally adopt appropriate social behavior without constant reminders. They’ll become a considerate guest and gracious host.
  • Financial Wisdom Booster: Your child will master the art of smart spending and saving, so they develop a healthy relationship with money and grow into financially responsible adults.
  • Social Language Mastery: Your child will learn to choose words wisely in any social setting (and you’ll guide them without constant nagging), so they effortlessly navigate conversations, make lasting friendships, and leave positive impressions wherever they go.

When you follow these three steps of the ADHD-Friendly Discipline System, you’ll get your child to do what they’re supposed to do without repeating yourself, yelling, and punishments.

Eventually, they’ll need less and less supervision and correction. 

They’ll do the tasks they need to do without you even asking.

You’ll watch your child grow into a confident, independent, and capable adult who can thrive despite ADHD challenges.

21-Day ADHD-Friendly Discipline Challenge

Get your child to do what they’re supposed to do without causing emotional damage

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You’ll receive…

  • 21 daily 5-minute e-mail lesson to your inbox: Each email includes one ADHD-Friendly Discipline Technique designed to improve your child’s behavior
  • 8 Instant Correctors: Correct your child’s behavior the moment it happens – without repeating yourself, yelling, or punishing
  • 6 Connection Protocols: Become a parent who really understands your child so you know how best to help them
  • 7 Independence Conditioning Techniques: Empower your child to develop self-control so they can correct their behavior when you’re not around
  • Exact Protocols to Follow When Your Child Misbehaves: Explained in simple, easy-to-follow steps
  • 14-day money-back guarantee (no questions asked): Go through all the materials at your own pace 100% risk-free
  • Instant Lifetime Access to all the materials: Download them, print them out or view them on your phone any time, anywhere
  • 4 FREE Bonus Gifts (Total Value $98): E-books, Templates & Printables for quick and easy implementation – Available only this week.

Total Value: $147
List Price: $49

Special Sale: $28
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What’s Unique About This Parenting Challenge?

The 21-Day ADHD-Friendly Discipline Challenge is not just an idea or a concept.

It’s a transformation program.

And it gives you clear techniques to experience the positive transformation in your home in 21 days (or less).

There are steps. 21 practical techniques. No theory. No fluff. You can revisit the techniques any time you want – they’re only one click away.

Plus, You’re Getting 4 FREE Bonus Gifts – This Week Only ($98 Total Value)

I’ve prepared additional guides, worksheets, templates, and printables.

These will help you remain a peaceful parent even in the most stressful situations.

You’ll receive additional parenting strategies that will help you keep your cool and peacefully deal with your child’s misbehavior and boundary-crossing.

Additional word-by-word scripts will help you know exactly what positive things to say to your kids in different situations.

On top of that, you’ll also receive additional strategies for raising strong-willed and stubborn kids.

We’ll deliver these gifts to your e-mail as soon as you join the challenge.

Why You Should Join The 21-Day ADHD-Friendly Discipline Challenge?

Reason #1: More effective than books, courses or “googling” advice

Unlike books and courses, the daily email format of the challenge is not overwhelming or time-consuming. And it’s way better than googling advice online. The ADHD-Friendly Discipline Challenge includes tested and proven techniques to improve your child’s behavior without having to yell, threaten, or punish. It allows you to immediately apply what you learn so you can quickly improve your child’s behavior.

Reason #2: Gives you techniques as well as confidence

The biggest problem is not knowing what you’re doing wrong. This leads to inconsistency in parenting, which only confuses children. The ADHD-Friendly Discipline Challenge gives you the techniques and the confidence that you’re parenting in your child’s best interest.

Reason #3: Tailored to kids with ADHD and works extremely well with typical kids

The techniques that work for kids with ADHD have to be simple and straightforward. This means they work extremely well even if your child has not been diagnosed with ADHD, but you find it difficult to get them to do what they’re supposed to do.

At This Point, You May Be Thinking: Does this really work?”

I know you might be skeptical, especially if you’ve never read one of my books or joined any of my challenges.

The short answer is YES – the ADHD-Friendly Discipline Techniques I’ll share with you have worked in action for years now, and are used by tens of thousands of parents of kids with ADHD.

But don’t take my word for it.

Here’s what some of the parents who applied my parenting techniques in their homes say:

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“Dr. Juhant is extremely knowledgeable! He made me realize how much I was doing wrong when communicating with my son. I now see someone with ADHD in a completely different light, and now when dealing with my son I feel like I am on his side helping him learn control, instead of me always trying to be the one in control. I have already passed on this author to some other moms struggling with kids with ADHD.”

Megan F.
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group 3232

The 28 Day Challenge was easy to learn and put into practice. Parents are busy working adults as well, so efficiency and effectiveness is key. I could read each challenge on the commute to work, at home before going to bed, and even read them over and over again to be better informed and equipped. What’s most satisfying is having a more positive relationship with my child.”

Gerald E.
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group 3232

I’m so impressed by this challenge! It’s very informative and gives a step by step approach to different scenarios and a real insight into how the ADHD brain works. Such a useful tool. Thanks so much!”

Ben C. P.
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I was ill-informed about ADHD through social media and casual discussions with friends and family. When my daughter was diagnosed with ADHD it felt daunting. This book helped me make sense of things in a different and totally constructive way! I’m grateful every day.”

Rachel M.
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“Marko offers real-life strategies and approaches to parenting. Parenting was like an out of control guessing game to me, but Marko gives tips and guidance for every dilemma. I’ve read books and purchased other courses, but the Anger Management Challenge was most helpful by far.”

Julia H.
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“These daily emails have transformed my relationship with my girls! I still forget some of the tools but I’m just grateful that I can always go back to my emails when the need arises. It’s only been a month and I have already noticed an improvement… I’m sure it will get better and better in the coming months!”

Rose G.
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But you don’t even have to take THEIR word for it… 

You can try it out for yourself.

You’re Protected By Our 14-Day Guarantee

Try the 21-Day ADHD-Friendly Discipline Challenge 100% Risk-Free

money back guarantee

I want you to try the 21-day challenge without any risk.

That’s why I’m backing it up with our 14-day money-back guarantee.

You can go through the first 14 days of the challenge and then decide if it’s right for you and your family.

If, for whatever reason you’re not 100% satisfied with the challenge…

If you find your child’s behavior hasn’t improved even after following through all 21 days…

Simply send us an email to [email protected] and we’ll be happy to refund your money.

No questions asked.

Plus, you get to keep the challenge with all the materials – it’s on me.

21-Day ADHD-Friendly Discipline Challenge

Get your child to do what they’re supposed to do without causing emotional damage

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You’ll receive…

  • 21 daily 5-minute e-mail lesson to your inbox: Each email includes one ADHD-Friendly Discipline Technique designed to improve your child’s behavior
  • 8 Instant Correctors: Correct your child’s behavior the moment it happens – without repeating yourself, yelling, or punishing
  • 6 Connection Protocols: Become a parent who really understands your child so you know how best to help them
  • 7 Independence Conditioning Techniques: Empower your child to develop self-control so they can correct their behavior when you’re not around
  • Exact Protocols to Follow When Your Child Misbehaves: Explained in simple, easy-to-follow steps
  • 14-day money-back guarantee (no questions asked): Go through all the materials at your own pace 100% risk-free
  • Instant Lifetime Access to all the materials: Download them, print them out or view them on your phone any time, anywhere
  • 4 FREE Bonus Gifts (Total Value $98): E-books, Templates & Printables for quick and easy implementation – Available only this week.

Total Value: $147
List Price: $49

Special Sale: $28
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Frequently Asked Questions

Before I answer this question, let me ask you this first: how much time would you SAVE if you wouldn’t have to get into battles with your child?

If it’s a significant amount of time (and stress!), then I think you and I both know what you need to do.

The daily challenge emails that I’ll be sending you will only take 5 minutes to read. You can skim through them while having your coffee, taking a break from work or watching your favorite TV show.

Now, if you’re about to go on a 10-day vacation in the middle of the challenge with no access to your email… that’s not really a problem either. The emails will wait for you until you return, just make sure you get them now before we increase the price.

Plus, you have a whole 14 days to try the challenge 100% risk-free.

The techniques you’ll receive work on anyone from toddlers up until around 18 years of age.

In the challenge I also provide several examples for different age groups, to make it very relevant regardless of your child’s age.

If you still think they might be too young or too old, my recommendation is to simply give it a try. There’s nothing to lose. You can ask for a full refund until 14 days after the purchase.

I’ve been developing and using these tools for over 40 years now. Much of my work has been focused specifically on kids with various disorders because I know that being a parent in this case can be particularly challenging.

The “ADHD-Friendly Discipline Techniques” have been tried and tested on thousands of kids with Autism, Anxiety and other disorders. I made sure that they’re bulletproof and working flawlessly in such situations.

My recommendation is to give it a try. You have nothing to lose and I’m convinced you’ll be blown away by how effective they are for your situation.

I get this question all the time. And my answer is always the same.

I’ve been studying this subject for over 40 years now. I wrote 16 books about it and have personally tested the tools on thousands and thousands of kids.

Trust me when I say this – by now I’ve made all my materials so bulletproof that I have yet to see them fail.

You’ll be surprised by how well and how quickly this challenge will work for you. But don’t take my word for it – see for yourself. Try the challenge, and if it doesn’t absolutely exceed your expectations, e-mail my team, and they’ll return your full investment – no questions asked.

All you need is access to your emails. There are no other tools or investments needed.

Program consists of short lessons in textual form. You will receive one lesson each day, containing one tool. As if receiving one chapter of a book.

Since you will receive lessons via email, you can of course read them anytime and anywhere you wish. I advise you to read them in the morning and try to use them on the same day when they are still fresh in your memory.

Once you receive the lessons, they are yours to keep. You will be able to return to them anytime, read them again and as many times as you want. You can also print them out and save them in physical form or make visual reminders out of them to help you stay consistent.

You do not need any additional application such as Zoom for the program, as you will receive daily lessons in the form of emails.

Of course, you keep these emails forever. You can read them anywhere and anytime, whenever it suits you best.

The contents of the 21-day program are intended for parenting of children of all ages. These are proven parenting techniques that work regardless of the age of the children. Some also work with adults!

I totally agree with you. Your children are different from all others. And this is really not a bad thing! It just means that they are predictable in some way and that the methods will work for them as they work for most other children.

The parenting techniques I will share with you are based on the psychological patterns and responses of many of the children I have worked with and observed in my 40 year career. Regardless of their personality and special characteristics, some things remain the same and work. They are in the nature of all of us.

Therefore, I am sure that you will also learn something new, that you will better understand your child and that you will gain new educational approaches and techniques that will make parenting easier and more successful.

Of course! You can order the program and them e-mail us at [email protected] to transform ownership to the person you want to gift it to.

If you are not satisfied with the program, please notify us at [email protected] within 14 days of purchase and get your money back.

Please just review and actually try to use the content in practice.

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