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For parents of kids struggling with anxiety…

Help Your Child Turn Their Anxiety, Worries, Stress, and Fear Into Confidence within 28 Days (Or Less)

With the 2HL Anxiety-Relief Formula you’ll calm your child’s anxiety quickly, without worrying about spoiling them, taking them to expensive therapy sessions, or putting them on dangerous medication.

Ages 5-18
28-Day Anxiety-Relief Challenge
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Marko Juhant Verified icon
Parenting coach and bestselling author
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28-Day Anxiety-Relief Challenge:
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  • 28 daily 5-minute e-mail lessons will help you soothe your child’s anxiety and teach them emotional regulation and coping skills.
  • 16 Mind-Calming Strategies: Help your child regulate their emotions before they get overwhelmed.
  • 7 Body Relaxation Protocols: Help your child soothe their uncomfortable sensations when anxiety sets in.
  • 5 Coping Mechanisms: Empower your child to deal with challenging and stressful everyday situations themselves.
  • 30+ practical examples from everyday situations every parent and child can relate to
  • 90-day money-back guarantee (no questions asked) – go through all the materials at your own pace 100% risk-free.
  • Instant Lifetime Access to all the materials – download them, print them out or view them on your phone any time, anywhere.
  • 6 FREE bonus gifts (Total Value $103)
only $28 
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There’s An Epidemic Of Kids Riddled With Anxiety

Kids who are overwhelmed. Overpressured. Overworked…

Kids who have low self-image, struggle with social interactions, and are crumbling under school pressure.

Kids who have low self-esteem, are afraid to be alone and rely on their parents, teachers or friends to go through their day.

Kids who keep their struggles to themselves because they are afraid to express their needs, opinions and feelings.

Kids who are on an out-of-control emotional roller coaster and have no idea how to get off.

And If You’re Reading This, There’s A Good Chance Your Child Is Struggling, Too

Studies indicate that the levels of anxiety and depression have increased significantly over the years.

anxiety graph

According to an observation of 29 scientific studies published in the pediatric journal JAMA Pediatrics, 1 in 5 children (20.5% of youth worldwide) now struggle with anxiety symptoms.

And this number keeps rising. The National Institutes of Health estimates that 1 in 3 of all children will experience an anxiety disorder sometime in their lives.

To put this into perspective, “normal” healthy children today have higher levels of anxiety than hospitalized psychiatric patients in the 1950s (right after the Second World War).

But the good news is you can help your child manage their anxiety.

All they need to learn is a set of emotional regulation skills and coping mechanisms they can use in any situation.

With the right toolbox, they can turn any challenge they face into strength, confidence, and resilience.

They can get their sense of control back.

Once they do that, you’ll experience the beautiful moment when they look at you with their glowing eyes…

And a huge wave of pride suddenly washes over you as you realize how far your child has come with a bit of your help.

Heal Your Child’s Anxiety With The 2HL Anxiety-Relief Formula

The formula includes 3 steps.

It is designed to heal your child’s mind where anxiety originates…

Heal your child’s body where anxiety piles up…

And equip your child with powerful strategies so they can live their lives to the fullest.

1. Healing the Mind

With a set of emotional intelligence techniques, your child can recognize their feelings and use appropriate calming techniques to gain control of their thoughts and calm down.

This means that their anxiety alarm won’t go off randomly and send the “danger” signal to their body.

They will be able to silence their negative thoughts that are telling them, “You shouldn’t do that, you’ll get embarrassed,” or “What if they laugh at you?”

Once they learn how to do that, it’s time to tackle the anxious symptoms that show in their bodies.

2. Healing the Body

This is where your child taps into the power of the mind-body connection.

Let your child’s mind keep the body calm by keeping the anxiety alarm in check (your child can achieve this by Healing the Mind)…

And let your child’s body calm down their mind when the alarm is already ringing at maximum volume.

To do that, your child can learn a set of targeted muscle-relaxation protocols, specific routines, and movements tailored specifically to kids.

3. Living the Life to the Fullest

This is where your child learns how to handle difficult situations, like school, sleeping, social occasions, and being comfortable when you or their guardians are not around.

Once your child learns a set of coping skills, they’ll be able to go through these challenging situations on their own and develop self-efficacy.

They’ll start believing in themselves and see such situations as an opportunity to grow instead of doing everything in their power to avoid them.

Main Benefits You and Your Child Will Enjoy…

  • Prevent depression, self harm and suicidal thoughts in your kids.
  • Know exactly what to do and say to help your child whenever they are anxious, worried, stressed or afraid.
  • Your child will grow more confident. You won’t have to adjust your plans just to avoid the situations that would make your child uncomfortable.
  • Build a trusting relationship with your child as they will openly communicate their feelings with you.
  • Stop feeling overwhelmed, lost and stuck because you don’t know how to make your anxious child feel better – they’ll learn how to do it on their own.


The 28-Day Anxiety-Relief Challenge

Turn your child’s anxiety, worry, stress, and fear into confidence.

28 day anxiety relief challenge

Throughout the next 28 days, you’ll get 28 daily e-mail lessons tailored to the busy, stressed out and tired parent.

Some e-mails include fun and playful exercises you can do with your child.

Some include simple emotional regulation and coping skills you can pass on to your child as you’re reading the e-mail.

Each e-mail only takes 5 minutes per day to read and implement.

This means you and your child will see the results on the same day.

In the challenge, you’ll go through the complete 2HL Anxiety-Relief Formula.

This formula is the product of my collaboration with Deborah McPhilmey and her 21 years of experience helping thousands of kids around the globe overcome their anxiety.

Here’s how the anxiety-relief formula works:

Part 1 – Healing the Mind: Build your child’s resilience, self-esteem and emotional intelligence.

We’ll start with your child’s mind. This is where their anxious thoughts and feelings reside.

First, your child will gain a better understanding of what makes them fall into a sea of worry.

Then, they’ll learn how to control their anxious thoughts using a set of emotional regulation techniques you and your child can rely on at any time.

Here are just a few of the techniques you’ll get access to:

  • A tailored conversation technique that lets your child explore their deep sea of emotions and learn how to recognize them before they become too overwhelming.
  • A playful calming technique that allows your child to “blow away” their worries and shift from emotional to logical thinking.
  • A step-by-step guide to gradually exposing your child to situations they tend to avoid.
  • 6 breathing techniques specifically designed to soothe your child’s mind and help them calm down in the moment. These are especially helpful if your child is quick to anger.
  • A productivity-based technique that instantly improves your child’s concentration and focus despite feeling anxious. Use it when they have to do their chores, school work, or when you want their attention.

These techniques will build your child’s self-esteem, resilience, and emotional intelligence.

They’ll learn how to recognize their big emotions and calm down before their anxiety takes over.

They’ll learn how to regulate their emotions which will allow them to stay calm 80% of the time.

Part 2 – Healing the Body: Teach your child body relaxation protocols to soothe their body.

Sometimes your child will be so caught up in their emotions they’ll forget to notice their feelings.

They’ll boil over, showing in stomach aches, sweaty palms, dizziness and other body symptoms.

Because of these uncomfortable sensations, they resist going to school… They can’t sleep alone… Or they get totally paralyzed when in social situations.

This is when they resist you, throw a tantrum or have an angry outburst.

To avoid this your child can learn a set of simple body-relaxation techniques that will alleviate the sensations they’re feeling.

You’ll learn:

  • A counterintuitive psychological technique that helps your child venture out of their comfort zone and face their fears without resisting your encouragement.
  • 3 Attention Redirection Protocols to instantly shift your child’s focus from their uncomfortable body sensations and “turn off the false anxiety alarm”.
  • A Fun and Engaging Body-Relaxation Protocol that calms your child down when they are feeling restless and fidgety. 
  • A Unique Psychological Technique that teaches your child how to be comfortable when you are not around. Once they learn it, they’ll have an easier time going to school, sleeping alone, or just staying in another room than you.

Once your child learns how to soothe their body in stressful situations, they’ll grow more confident. They’ll feel capable of handling stressful situations on their own.

You’ll no longer have to avoid the situations that make your child feel uncomfortable or do 

Part 3 – Living Life to the Fullest: Coping mechanisms for your child to face different challenging situations even if they feel anxious.

Despite the challenges of anxiety, kids can absolutely excel in life and thrive in everyday situations that might otherwise chip away at their self-confidence.

In the last part, you’ll learn how to help your child navigate specific social situations, school pressure, and other everyday hurdles so they can manage them on their own.

You’ll learn:

  • Help your child tap into their internal strength to overcome their fear of failure when taking a test, giving a presentation in front of a class, or any other form of public performance.
  • The “Therapeutic Hat” technique to become a great example your child can emulate in dealing with anxiety. Learn how YOU can deal with negative news and difficult situations in a way that doesn’t make your child anxious.
  • Word-by-word scripts you can say to your child to induce confidence in them.
  • A simple psychology-based process that will break your child free from social anxiety so they are not afraid to go out and make new friends.

By the end of 28 days, your kids will learn to take on challenges, persevere through frustration, and grow more resilient.

They’ll become more in touch with their feelings and learn how to overcome their worries, fear and stress.

And most importantly, you’ll grow closer together with your child than you’ve ever been before.

BONUS Workbooks, Printables and E-Books

To make all of these strategies and protocols easier to implement, we prepared additional bonus material for you and your child.

As soon as you join the challenge, these 6 FREE bonus gifts will be delivered into your inbox:

calm jar

Printable – Calm Jar: What if your child could put their worries away for a day? Based on the Cognitive Science of journaling, the Calm Jar allows your child to better manage their daily stress.

Value: $9
10 calming hacks for stressful times

E-Book – 10 Calming Hacks For Stressful Times: Learn some of the best breathing techniques to calm your child in the moment. You can even follow these techniques yourself when you need to calm down and collect your thoughts.

Value: $19
trade worry for happiness

Workbook – Trade Worry for Happiness: By swapping negative thoughts with positive ones, your child will reframe their perspective and manage their anxiety more effectively.

Value: $19
mood tracker

Workbook – Mood Tracker for Kids: Help your child keep track of their daily moods, feelings, stress, anxiety, and habits. Follow this routine for a week to see what makes your child happy and fulfilled (do more of that) and what makes them anxious (the anxiety-relief strategies from the challenge will help your child deal with them).

Value: $9
sunset today, sunrise tomorrow

Workbook – Sunset Today, Sunrise Tomorrow: Every sunset is followed by a sunrise. The end of one thing is the beginning of something new. Help your child open their heart to the new possibilities that lie ahead instead of the anxiety they’re feeling in the moment. This is a fun way for your child to develop an optimistic mindset.

Value: $19
anxiety management flashcards

Printable – Anxiety Management Flashcards: 24 “mental reset buttons” designed to help your child learn emotional regulation and coping skills in an engaging way. Every time your child is feeling anxious or down, all they need to do is choose one card and follow its instructions. This gift alone is worth the value of the challenge.

Value: $28

The 28-Day Anxiety-Relief Challenge includes everything you need to help your child not only survive, but THRIVE with their anxiety – starting today.

82 % OFF
90-Day No-Questions-Asked Money-Back Guarantee:
Try the challenge 100% risk-free.

How the 2HL Anxiety-Relief Formula was born.

I decided to collaborate on this project with Deborah McPhilemy because of her unbelievable story.

As a kid, she used to be super anxious. When she was 9, she got a severe beating from her father. She was bullied at school by her teachers, other kids and one of her brothers.

In her 20s, she became a victim of her abusive husband, again trapped in a continuous cycle of anxiety and fear.

Despite all these tragic moments in her life, she managed to turn it all around.

She left her abusive husband with two small children on her hip.

In 1998, she became a Family Counselor and later became South Africa’s first ever Trainer and Coach of Emotional Intelligence.

She overcame her own crippling anxiety.

She helped her two children (who also suffered from anxiety due to bullying) not only do the same but even become friends with their bullies…

Since then, her mission has been to teach kids around the world how to become emotionally resilient.

Authoring 13 best-selling books, she became a leading expert in the field of Emotional Intelligence.

Her work was recognized on a global stage when she received a gold award in London for her children’s book, ‘Abby and The Gaggle of Geese’.

This particular book helps children recognize, recover from, and prevent bullying.

This created a ripple effect as she started appearing in newspapers, conferences, television, and radio shows. The media wanted to know all about Emotional Intelligence and how it could help people.

Over the past 20 years, she has helped thousands of kids through one on one sessions, holiday camps and groups cope with their anxiety, worries, stress and fear.

Deborah’s work featured in the media

Putting Our Expertise And Knowledge Together…

… we developed a new revolutionary 2HL Anxiety-Relief Formula and packaged it neatly into 28 daily 5-minute lessons.

Marko Juhant Crossed Arms

Our goal is to empower parents to teach their kids the emotional education we wish we had growing up…

So they don’t have to go through the same pain, frustration, and negativity we have experienced growing up.

That’s why we’re absolutely thrilled that you’re here!

You see, we’ve designed the 2HL Anxiety-Relief Formula with one purpose in mind…

To help your child gain the skills they need to grow into happier, stronger, and more resilient young people who can face any challenge life throws at them…

So YOU can:

  • STOP watching your child struggle with emotions they don’t fully understand (yet)…
  • STOP spending your limited budget on resources that may (or may not) work…
  • STOP trying out half a dozen therapists until you find “the one” for your child…
  • STOP second-guessing your parenting skills every time something you suggest to your child doesn’t seem to be helping…
  • STOP feeling lost, overwhelmed, and stuck in a cycle you can’t seem to break.

So, if you’re open to it, we’d love to offer you and your family the tools you need to end the cycle of exhaustion and step into your wholeness.

Try The 28-Day Anxiety-Relief Challenge 100% Risk-Free for 90 days.

money back guarantee

We want you to go through the whole challenge completely risk free…

And we want you to do it at your and your child’s own pace. 

That’s why we offer a 90-day money-back guarantee…

If, for whatever other reason you’re not 100% satisfied with the challenge… 

If it doesn’t help you manage your child’s anxiety…

 If it doesn’t absolutely exceed your expectations…

Then we don’t want you to have to pay for it.

Simply send us an e-mail to [email protected] any time within 90 days of your purchase and our team will return your full investment. No questions asked.

Plus, you get to keep the e-mails and the six bonus gifts – it’s on us.

Frequently Asked Questions

Before I answer this question, let me ask you this first: how much time would you SAVE if you wouldn’t have to worry about and deal with your child’s anxiety?

If it’s a significant amount of time (and stress!), then I think you and I both know what you need to do.

The daily challenge emails that I’ll be sending you will only take 5 minutes to read. You can skim through them while having your coffee, taking a break from work or watching your favorite TV show.

Now, if you’re about to go on a 10-day vacation in the middle of the challenge with no access to your email… that’s not really a problem either. The emails will wait for you until you return, just make sure you get them now before we increase the price.

Plus, you have a whole 14 days to try the challenge 100% risk-free.

We’ve been developing and using these tools for over 40 years now. Much of our work has been focused specifically on kids with various disorders because I know that being a parent in this case can be particularly challenging.

The 2HL Anxiety-Relief Formula has been tried and tested on thousands of kids with ADHD, Autism, Anxiety and other disorders who are particularly sensitive. We’ve made sure that it’s bulletproof and working flawlessly in such situations.

Our recommendation is to give it a try. You have nothing to lose and we’re convinced you’ll be blown away by how effective they are for your child.

I get this question all the time. And my answer is always the same.

I’ve been studying this subject for over 40 years now. I wrote 16 books about it and have personally tested the tools on thousands and thousands of kids.

Deborah has written 13 books on her own, especially tailored for kids struggling with anxiety and has more 21 years of experience as an Emotional Intelligence Coach.

Trust me when I say this – by now we’ve made all our materials so bulletproof that we have yet to see them fail.

You’ll be surprised by how well and how quickly this formula will work for you. But don’t take my word for it – see for yourself. Try the challenge, and if it doesn’t absolutely exceed your expectations, e-mail my team, and they’ll return your full investment – no questions asked.

Program consists of short lessons in textual form. You will receive one lesson each day, containing one emotional regulation technique, protocol or coping strategy. As if receiving one chapter of a book.

Since you will receive lessons via email, you can of course read them anytime and anywhere you wish. I advise you to read them in the morning and try to use them with your kids on the same day when they are still fresh in your memory.

Once you receive the lessons, they are yours to keep. You will be able to return to them anytime, read them again and as many times as you want. You can also print them out and save them in physical form or make visual reminders out of them to help you stay consistent.

You do not need any additional application such as Zoom for the program. You will receive daily lessons in the form of emails.

Of course, you keep these emails forever. You can read them anywhere and anytime, whenever it suits you best.

The contents of the 28-day program are intended for parenting children who are 2-12 years old. These are proven emotional regulation techniques and coping skills that work without medication. Some work with older kids and even adults!

If you feel your child is too young for this, let me just say this. When kids learn the skills of resilience before they need them, they will know how to feel, how to cope, and how to face challenging situations once they are older.



I totally agree with you. Your child is different from all others. And this is really not a bad thing! It just means that they are predictable in some way and that the methods will work for them as they work for most other children.

The emotional regulation techniques and coping skill we will share with you are based on the psychological patterns and responses of many of the children we have worked with and observed in our combined 60 plus years of experience. Regardless of their personality and special characteristics, some things remain the same and work. They are humane. In the nature of all of us.

Therefore, we are sure that you will also learn something new, that you will better understand your child and that you will gain new educational approaches and techniques that will make parenting easier and less stressful.

Of course! You can order the program and then e-mail us at [email protected] to transfer ownership to the person you want to gift it to.

If you are not satisfied with the product, please notify us at [email protected] within 14 days of purchase and get your money back.

Please just review and actually try to use the content in practice.

JOIN NOW: The 28-Day Anxiety-Relief Challenge

Turn your child’s anxiety, worry, stress, and fear into confidence

28 day anxiety relief challenge

  • 28 daily 5-minute e-mail lessons will help you soothe your child’s anxiety and teach them emotional regulation and coping skills.
  • 16 Mind-Calming Strategies: Help your child regulate their emotions before they get overwhelmed.
  • 7 Body Relaxation Protocols: Help your child soothe their uncomfortable sensations when anxiety sets in.
  • 5 Coping Mechanisms: Empower your child to deal with challenging and stressful everyday situations themselves.
  • 30+ practical examples from everyday situations every parent and child can relate to
  • 90-day money-back guarantee (no questions asked) – go through all the materials at your own pace 100% risk-free.
  • Instant Lifetime Access to all the materials – download them, print them out or view them on your phone any time, anywhere.
  • 6 FREE bonus gifts (Total Value $103)
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