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For parents of kids with ADHD…

Turn Your Child’s ADHD Into Their Greatest SuperPower Within Days

Help your child become focused, organized and calm. It works with kids aged 4+ and it’s surprisingly effective even if you feel like you’ve tried everything

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Main Benefits You’ll Enjoy

  • Boosted attention: Your kids will stay motivated and won’t lose focus easily.
  • Create habits and routines your kids can stick to: For schoolwork, chores, morning routines, bedtime routines, after school activities and hygiene.
  • Improved focus: When you learn how to tweak the environment, your kids will become less distracted and “fidgety”.
  • Less resistance and procrastination: You’ll know how to motivate your kids to do even those tasks they find boring or uncomfortable.
  • Stress-free schoolwork: Homework will be done on time, without unnecessary stress and anxiety.
  • Emotional regulation: Your kids will learn how to control their impulsive outbursts whenever they feel overwhelmed, anxious or frustrated.
  • Healthy boundaries: You’ll no longer feel powerless when your child misbehaves as they’ll learn how to respect the rules and boundaries you set.

If you teach a child with ADHD just ONE thing…

…that makes everything else easier – from schoolwork to chores to escaping boredom…

It should be how to focus and keep their attention for long periods of time.

Because if they can do that, they can do their homework in one go, they can complete their chores from start to finish, and they can also better regulate their impulsive outbursts.

Luckily, your child already knows how to do that – in some capacity.

They have two key areas in their brain that allow them to do that:

  • The Focus Zone (where they can focus for hours on end)
  • The Dream Park (where they can come up with creative ideas)

Ideally, these two areas should take turns in activity, creating a balance between deep, focused work and creative imagination.

However, the enemies of these zones are what I call Traffic Jams. These occur when your child gets stuck in-between different areas of their brain.

This is where they get bored, fidget, and lose attention every 3 seconds, like a goldfish.

Why Are These ADHD Parenting Strategies So Unique And Effective?

When I was working with ADHD kids, I learned that there are 7 things I had to take care of if I wanted to help them thrive.

Instead of trying to make them someone they were not, I focused on developing, growing and supporting their unique abilities that made them truly special.

Here’s how they can help your child as well:

  1. ADHD Lifestyle Architecture.

    The environment can either distract your child or enable them to focus, not forget things, and become organized.

    And there’s a way you can organize your home in a way that makes following routines and habits easier.

  2. Unlocking Ultra-Productivity.

    Your child’s brain is faster than normal. That’s why you can tap into their unique ability to get the same amount of work done in less time.

  3. Tailored Schoolwork Strategies.

    ADHD and schoolwork mix like oil and water. Because schoolwork requires intense focus and memory, kids usually resist doing it.

    With ADHD-friendly learning strategies, schoolwork will become easier, and you’ll unlock their endless motivational state.

  4. The ADHD Independent Chore System.

    Selling your kid on the benefits of doing chores is far from easy.

    But with a set of specific strategies you will help your child complete their chores from start to finish – on their own.

  5. HyperFocus Strategies.

    The task that should take 5 minutes to complete can take ADHD kids 2 hours.

    But knowing how tap into your child’s HyperDrive to effortlessly enter their Focus Zone, they will complete the task in time they actually need.

  6. Emotional Regulation & Impulsivity Control.

    Kids with ADHD are more likely to exhibit defiance and emotional outbursts. This is true especially when you expect them to do homework, go to bed, stop playing a game, sit down, or eat dinner.

    That’s why it’s important you teach your child how to regulate their emotions so they don’t get frustrated and angry as easily.

  7. Positive Discipline For Kids With ADHD.

    Parenting strategies that work with 90% of kids simply don’t work with ADHD kids.

    To get your kid to listen, you need a set of tailor-made strategies that tap into the unique ways their brain is wired.

Testimonials Of Parents Just Like You

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My son has always hated lists and schedules. I talked to him about how you said they are super effective for people with ADHD, even though they may not like them. We printed out your weekly schedule and put 4 things on the daily chart and 3 things on the weekly chart. I told him that he could do them on his own schedule as long as they were completed by 6pm. I checked on him each day at 6pm and only 1 day did he forget something. He stopped what he was doing without complaining and put away his laundry in 5 minutes! It has been great! No more reminding him all the time. My son is 15.
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I absolutely love this book and audio, it has saved our family 😄
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I have only begun to realize the potential for applying this information! It has educated me and clarified ways of recognizing his personal experience as I witness it. I am excited to see why some things I've already been doing (like homework at the same time every day) work and how to better navigate when there is resistance! This is a treasure! More information is explained far better than our doctor. I think frustrated teachers should be required to read this! What a simplistic approach to enabling me to support my kiddo's superpowers and help him feel secure and above average! Thank you!
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I love it and trust that it will help a lot if implementing it thoroughly. I am still trying to use the techniques to help my kids and hopefully it will result positively soon.
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I LOVE it! Today I implemented one of the exercises with my daughter and she completed a task that would usually take her 10 days, in less than a day and without complaints. I'm very excited to continue using the ADHD Advantage e-book! Thank you Mark Juhant

From A Struggling School Principal To Over 61,000 Parenting Students Worldwide

I’ve probably been where you are right now

Marko Juhant parenting coach

I’m Marko Juhant, and I’ve been working with kids for the past 40 years. But working with children wasn’t always easy for me…

Before I had my own two kids, I had a job at a school for “challenging” kids.

Many of them were diagnosed with ADHD.

They couldn’t focus for more than a minute, they were impulsive and even aggressive, they wouldn’t listen to me, and they had no motivation to learn…

I felt powerless and had no clue what to do about it.

Then it all suddenly changed.

I discovered parenting strategies that helped me predictably and reliably get kids to understand their ADHD symptoms and manage them effectively.

The strategies were so effective that 100s of schools started asking me to host workshops for their teachers and parents. I even ended up writing 16 parenting books…

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I’m Here To Help Your Child Manage Their ADHD

Marko Juhant parenting class

During my workshops and coaching sessions with families, I’ve seen parents who tried absolutely everything to help the kids manage their ADHD…

Repeating themselves, giving the child a time out, using a reward system, permissive parenting techniques

But none of it actually worked…

The only thing I’ve found absolutely life-changing were parenting strategies that are specifically tailored to kids with ADHD. These strategies consist of:

1. ADHD Lifestyle Architecture – to transform morning and evening routines into habits.
2. Unlocking Ultra-Productivity – to get work done faster.
3. Tailored Schoolwork Strategies – to make schoolwork easier.
4. The ADHD Independent Chore System – to complete the chores on their own.
5. HyperFocus Strategies – to not get distracted as easily.
6. Emotional Regulation & Impulsivity Control – to manage their emotions and outbursts.
7. Positive Discipline For Kids With ADHD – tailor-made strategies that get your kids to listen.

By using these strategies, your child will never feel like something is “wrong with them”.

They’ll never feel like they just “don’t fit into the world”.

Instead, they’ll be able to find, explore and develop their own unique talents and become truly an exceptional kid you’ll be proud of.


The ADHD Advantage 2.0

Help Your Child Thrive With ADHD

Instant Access Available:
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  • 100 tailor-made ADHD parenting strategies will help your child THRIVE with ADHD
  • ADHD Schoolwork Strategies which will turn a struggling student into a responsible and motivated student
  • Independent Chores System to get your kids excited for chores
  • HyperFocus Strategies to help your child stay focused
  • Emotional Regulation Frameworks to reduce impulsive behavior
  • Positive Discipline Strategies to set healthy boundaries without constant battles
  • Templates, Checklists & Printables for quick & easy implementation for busy parents
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Here’s Exactly What You’ll Learn In The E-Book

Part 1: Thriving With ADHD

First, I’ll walk you through the unique blueprint of the ADHD brain so you can understand why and how our child functions differently than other kids.

You will learn about:

  • The 11 Essential Needs of Kids With ADHD: By fulfilling these essential needs on a regular basis, your kids will be far less likely to lose their attention and motivation and get stuck in Mental Traffic Jams.
  • FUEL Strategies To Keep Their “Ferrari Brain” Running Smoothly: With concrete examples, systems and step-by-step frameworks that you can implement right away.
  • A Thriving With ADHD Checklist: You can use this checklist every time your child is struggling or unfocused to quickly identify the root cause of their problem and choose the right FUEL Strategy in the right moment.

This part of the system will give you a strong foundation that will make everything else easier – from schoolwork to chores to keeping their attention and regulating their emotions.

Part 2: ADHD Lifestyle Architecture

Kids with ADHD need a slightly different environment (their bedroom, studying space and overall home organization) in order to stay focused, not forget things, and avoid living in a mess.

In this part, you’ll learn about:

  • Supercharged Habits & Routines: How to help your kids create habits and routines that actually stick (for schoolwork, chores, morning routines, bedtime routines, after school activities and hygiene)
  • Habit Integration Frameworks: So they don’t have to use up their willpower everyday and make their responsibilities automatic and effortless (which will save you from nagging, battles and disagreements)
  • Home Reorganization Strategies: With a few subtle changes in the rooms they spend the most time in, you’ll be able to prevent messy and cluttered spaces that get on your nerves and distract them from focusing.
  • Daily Workflows: These will help you structure their days in an optimal ways so they can function as best as possible (both for schooldays and weekends) in fun and engaging ways that easily integrate into their existing lifestyle.

Once their environment is organized in the proper way, they’ll be far less distracted and “fidgety”, as they’ll be able to focus, stay calm and relax in an environment that’s built just for them.

Part 3: Unlocking Ultra-Productivity

Because their brain is faster than normal, your child has a unique ability to get the same amount of work done within hours that would take other kids days or even weeks…

…IF you can help them organize their minds in a way where they can spend most of their time in their Hyperfocus State, instead of Mental Traffic Jams.

In this part, you will learn:

  • 6 Ultra-Productivity Strategies: These will help your child unlock their full potential on a daily basis
  • A Simple Strategy to Eliminate Distracting Thoughts: These are one of the key reasons why your child can’t focus – they’re preoccupied with all the different thoughts in their head that take their attention away from the task at hand.
  • The Finisher Framework: They’ll learn how to actually finish every task or project they start (and you’ll be able to help and guide them in a way they’ll gladly accept), so they don’t jump from one task to another every few minutes once they get bored of it.

After you implement the strategies from this part, your kids will no longer resist and procrastinate boring and uncomfortable tasks, and be all over the place.

They’ll see the “big picture”, get the important stuff done, and make much faster progress on things that are important to both you and them.

Part 4: Tailored Schoolwork Strategies

Your child likely thrives at subjects they’re interested in in school, while struggling with ones they don’t like or don’t find interesting. Well, that’s about to change.

In this part, you will learn:

  • The #1 Mistake Parents of Kids With ADHD Make: That turns schoolwork into a never-ending battle (and how to easily avoid it with a simple shift).
  • ADHD-Friendly Learning Strategies: Your kids will be able to use these to learn and remember more while studying considerably less. They’ll also learn how to activate the right sides of their brain when it comes to different challenges they face.
  • How to Eliminate Schoolwork Distractions: If your kids would rather do anything but study… If their mind keeps racing all the time… If they’re constantly fidgety and going to the fridge… You’ll be able to change all of that and bring their focus back through a set of proven but counterintuitive strategies.
  • How to Unlock Their Endless Motivation State: You’ll learn about 3 key strategies that you can use to reignite their motivation and keep their motivation levels high – no matter how boring or annoying the subject they’re trying to learn might be to them.

After implementing these strategies, your child will no longer struggle with schoolwork and feel stressed out and anxious about it. This will have a ripple effect on your family, as there will be one less thing to argue about, and a lot more time that you can all spend doing things you enjoy.

Part 5: The ADHD Independent Chore System

Chores that your child finds boring, monotone or uninteresting can become the bane of their (and your) existence.

Luckily, there’s a set of specific strategies that you can use to help your child complete their chores independently, specifically tailored to kids with ADHD.

In this part, you’ll learn:

  • When Your Kids Should Absolutely NOT Do Their Chores: And a much better time when they’ll do them without resistance.
  • How To Get Your Kids EXCITED To Do Their Chores: This framework works so well that your kids will race to do their chores ahead of their scheduled chore time and ask you if they can do them, without you ever having to remind them.
  • A Protocol For Facing Chore Resistance: In the rare case that your kids might not want to do their chores, you’ll be able to use a gentle step-by-step system to get them done anyway, without a fight.

Once you’ve taken care of both chores and school-work, you’ll already make living with an ADHD child A LOT easier – as these key areas of their lives are triggers for the majority of the battles and power struggles you’ll experience.

Part 6: HyperFocus Strategies

Now that you have the fundamentals down, the really fun part begins.

With the strategies from this chapter, you’ll learn how to engage your child’s “HyperDrive” (that allows spaceships in the movies to travel faster than the speed of light).

This means that they’ll be able to enter a distraction-free mode when they need to and get their schoolwork and chores done even faster.

Yes, the tasks that “should take only 5 minute but end up taking 2 hours” will now actually take them the amount of time they need.

In this part, you’ll learn:

  • 15 HyperFocus Strategies: You can use these to engage the HyperDrive mode of their brain and effortlessly enter their Focus Zone
  • ADHD Screen Time Management Strategies: To shift your kids from screen into the “real world”, and stop them from craving screen time all the time
  • Focus Amplifiers: You’ll be able to use these to gently bring your kids back from a distracted to a focused state within seconds, and help them stay focused for hours on end

After implementing this part, your kids will be able to get the most out of their Ferrari Brain and drive it as confidently as a race car driver.

Part 7: Emotional Regulation

Next, you’ll be able to teach your kids how to regulate their emotions so they don’t get frustrated and angry as easily any more.

In this part, you’ll learn:

  • 4 Calm-Down Techniques: Your kids will be able to use these whenever they feel overwhelmed, anxious or frustrated to bring themselves back to a state of calm and focus
  • Patience Training: You’ll be able to teach your kids how to become more patient (instead of wanting everything they want to happen right away)
  • Social Skills: You’ll teach your kids how to become empathetic, active and respectful listeners that other kids enjoy hanging our with (rather than being unintentionally rude and speaking without thinking)

These skills will help your kids integrate into the world that’s different than they are – and stay calm and collected at times when they would otherwise blow up.

Part 8: Impulsivity & Outburst Prevention

Kids with ADHD are known to have impulsive outbursts, but there are ways to minimize and even prevent those from happening.

In this part, you’ll learn:

  • 6 Outburst Prevention Strategies: These will help you avoid 90% or more of impulsive outbursts that disrupt your days
  • A Simple Outburst Neutralization Strategy: That will help you quickly “extinguish” the situation before it gets out of hand
  • 3 Key Calm-Down Protocols: That will help your kids quickly calm down and refocus in the rare case they can’t regulate their emotions

These strategies will help you avoid many disagreements that damage the relationships between you and your kids, and will teach them how to become masters of their emotions.

Part 9: Positive Discipline For Kids With ADHD

Some discipline strategies, although perfectly suited for 90% of the kids, just don’t work for kids with ADHD. Because their brains are wired differently, they need a set of positive discipline strategies that’s tailor-made for their own needs.

In this part, you’ll learn:

  • 9 Key Positive Discipline Strategies: You’ll be able to set healthy boundaries without “triggering a World War III”, to teach them what’s acceptable and what isn’t in a gentle, but firm way (and so they don’t use their ADHD as an excuse to not do the things they don’t want to do).
  • Exact Protocols to Follow When Your Child Misbehaves: Explained in simple, easy-to-follow steps, so they don’t repeat inappropriate behavior in the future.
  • How to Help Your Kids Behave Respectfully in Public Places: With a simple “safety-mechanism” that will help you avoid many toy-store battles, yelling battles in grocery stores and situations where your kids might make you feel angry, powerless or ashamed

After mastering these strategies, you’ll no longer feel powerless when your child misbehaves, and they’ll learn how to respect rules and boundaries and behave in a way that makes you a proud parent.

Part 10: Additional Strategies For Unique Struggles of Kids With ADHD

Finally, you’ll receive a set of strategies for other common struggles that kids with ADHD might face:

  • Confidence Building Strategies: That teach them how to believe in themselves, stand up for themselves, and not get stopped in their tracks by fear and anxiety
  • Deep Connection Strategies: These will help you form an unbreakable bond with your child, based on mutual trust and respect, and bring you closer together than ever before
  • Emotional Intelligence & Empathy Building Strategies: These will help your kids feel empathy and awareness of other people’s emotions (which can be particularly hard to feel for some kids with ADHD)
  • And more: You’ll get a few additional strategies about their unique “quirks”, but you’ll have to discover those for yourself in the e-book.

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I want you to read the whole e-book completely risk free.

If, for whatever other reason you’re not 100% satisfied with the e-book… If you don’t feel like it’s the single best book on ADHD for kids you ever read… If it doesn’t help you manage your child’s ADHD… If it doesn’t absolutely exceed your expectations…

Then I don’t want you to have to pay for it.

Simply send me and e-mail to [email protected] any time within 14 days of your purchase and my team will return your full investment. No questions asked.

Plus, you get to keep the e-book – it’s on me.

Frequently Asked Questions

Before I answer this question, let me ask you this first: how much time would you SAVE if you wouldn’t have to deal with daily tantrums, arguments and focus problems with your child?

If it’s a significant amount of time (and stress!), then I think you and I both know what you need to do.

The manual will take you less than an hour to read and then you’ll be able to implement the whole system throughout fun activities with your child.

Now, if you’re about to go on a 10-day kid-free vacation… that’s not really a problem either. The materials will wait for you until you return; just make sure you get them now before we increase the price.

Plus, you have a whole 14 days to try the kit 100% risk-free.

I’ve been developing and using these tools for over 40 years now. Much of my work has been focused specifically on kids with various disorders because I know that being a parent in this case can be particularly challenging.

The system has been tried and tested on thousands of kids with Autism, Anxiety and other disorders. I’ve made sure that it’s bulletproof and working flawlessly in such situations.

My recommendation is to give it a try. You have nothing to lose and I’m convinced you’ll be blown away by how effective they are for your situation.

I get this question all the time. And my answer is always the same.

I’ve been studying this subject for over 40 years now. I wrote 16 books about it and have personally tested the tools on thousands and thousands of kids.

Trust me when I say this – by now I’ve made all my materials so bulletproof that I have yet to see them fail.

You’ll be surprised by how well and how quickly this system will work for you. But don’t take my word for it – see for yourself. Try the kit, and if it doesn’t absolutely exceed your expectations, e-mail my team, and they’ll return your full investment – no questions asked.

You will receive all the materials in a digital format via email.

Since you will receive the materials via email, you can of course access them anytime and anywhere you wish.

Once you receive the materials, they are yours to keep. You can also print them out and save them in physical form or make visual reminders out of them to help you stay consistent.

The contents of the system are intended for the parenting of children of all ages. These are proven parenting techniques that simply work, regardless of the age of the children. Some also work with adults!

I totally agree with you. Your children are different from all others. And this is really not a bad thing! It just means that they are predictable in some way and that the methods will work for them as they work for most other children.

The parenting techniques I will share with you are based on the psychological patterns and responses of many of the children I have worked with and observed in my 40-year career. Regardless of their personality and special characteristics, some things remain the same and work. They are human. In the nature of all of us.

Therefore, I am sure that you will also learn something new, that you will better understand your child and that you will gain new educational approaches and techniques that will make parenting easier and more successful.

Of course! You can order it and then e-mail us at [email protected] to transform ownership to the person you want to gift it to.

If you are not satisfied with the product, please notify us at [email protected] within 14 days of purchase and get your money back.

Please just review and actually try to use the content in practice.

Join Over 61,000 Parents

The ADHD Advantage 2.0

Help Your Child Thrive With ADHD

Instant Access Available:
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You’ll Get Lifetime Access

  • 100 tailor-made ADHD parenting strategies will help your child THRIVE with ADHD
  • ADHD Schoolwork Strategies which will turn a struggling student into a responsible and motivated student
  • Independent Chores System to get your kids excited for chores
  • HyperFocus Strategies to help your child stay focused
  • Emotional Regulation Frameworks to reduce impulsive behavior
  • Positive Discipline Strategies to set healthy boundaries without constant battles
  • Templates, Checklists & Printables for quick & easy implementation for busy parents

The ADHD Advantage 2.0 Comes With A

14-Day Money Back Guarantee!

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The confirmation email with the e-book will be delivered as soon as the order is completed.