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For parents of kids that resist their household chores…

Best-Selling Parenting Expert Reveals a New Counterintuitive Approach to Motivate Your Kids to Do Their Chores Independently

Without constant reminders, nagging, drama, grounding and punishments… and without feeling like you’re giving them too many or too few chores to do.

Ages 3-18
The Independent Child Chores System
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Marko Juhant Verified icon
Parenting coach and bestselling author
Satisfied customers
satisfied customers
The Independent Child Chores System
4.8 / 5 based on 834 reviews
  • My Chores Chart – an attractive-looking PRINTABLE chore chart to track daily and weekly tasks;
  • 100 Happy Task Cards with descriptions and pictures of the tasks, which serve as a reminder for your child;
  • Chores For Each Age Guidebook with 137 tasks divided into appropriate age groups
  • The Independent Child Chores System worksheet with an explanation of how to use the system and become a better parent;
  • Detailed instructions on how to develop strong housework habits.
  • Instant lifetime access to all the materials and bonuses, so you can implement them TODAY.
  • 6 FREE BONUSES (Chores Reward System, Schoolwork Strategies E-book, Strong-Willed Kids Manual, Peaceful Parent E-book, Raising Explosive Kids, Back-Talk Remedies Scripts) – Total Value $159
only $28 
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What is The Independent Child Chores System?

The Independent Child Chores System is a counterintuitive approach to motivate your kids to do their chores independently, without your constant nagging.

We achieve this with the help of Internal Motivation Triggers.

Leveraging this powerful psychological tool, chores will feel like a GAME to your kids.

And as a result…

Your kids will always know what they need to do, without you having to remind them.

They’ll happily start their tasks, without disagreements and without you having to motivate or nag them..

They’ll finish their tasks, without you having to constantly check on them…

And they’ll do them well, without you having to fix things after them.

And, best of all, because chores will no longer be a subject of daily arguments, you will enjoy many stress-free afternoons because the chores will be done before you even get home from work.

Every member of the family will finally contribute to a beautiful, tidy home…

Housework will no longer be a “battlefield”…

And you will no longer be tired and exhausted because you have to do everything yourself at home.

At the same time, your children will develop solid work ethics and discipline that will help them throughout their life – in school, careers and everything else they put their mind to.

Viola V
Viola V.
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“It’s fun. I love how Marko describes a situation, the background and a solution. I’m really grateful for these lessons because I tried courses, coaching, reading about the topic, but I only collected ideas and knowledge, not practical solutions. It’s working for us.”

Zala Jereb
Zala Jereb
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Very good advice! I learned a lot as a mother. I like it because it covers a lot of situations that I encounter as a mother on a daily basis. The children follow my instructions and the rules we have in our family much more.”

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Maya S.
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“We stuck the chart and the cards that my sons chose themselves (5 chores a day each) on the fridge and now everyone knows what their task is and they stick to it. The problem we had before was inconsistency, but now there is none. Everyone sticks to their responsibilities because they have chosen to do so. We have chosen easier tasks for the younger children to start with, although they are 7 and 9 years old, but they can choose new tasks once a month. It is definitely easier for me now, because I have more help with the housework.


The Independent Child Chores System is a SHORTCUT

Before I created the Independent Child Chores System, I received endless messages from parents asking me how to get their kids to help with the household chores.

They told me their kids never have any interest in helping with chores.

That they weren’t sure whether they were giving them the right tasks for their age and their circumstances.

That they were alone for all the tasks that needed to be done around the house.

That just being a parent sometimes feels like a full-time job… let alone also having to take care of the house… and getting into unnecessary arguments with the kids…

That they’re exhausted from all the work… which is making parenting more difficult than they ever expected.

And that because of all of this, they would feel sad, guilty, and “like a bad parent”…

They feel powerless because they’re not sure what to do.

And that they’ve had ENOUGH of this. They don’t want to raise their kids this way.

They knew that chores are useful for kids’ healthy development.

They knew that in some families kids regularly help with cleaning around the house, doing the laundry and even cooking a meal from time to time. And they even enjoy doing it!

And they could see how in their family, kids not helping with the household was hurting them AND their children. It was hurting the whole family.

Luckily, I spent the last 40 years studying parenting, education and children’s psychology.

This led me to develop the Independent Child Chores System that helps parents to get their kids to responsibly and independently do their chores.

I spent well over 10,000 hours developing these through research, trial and error, and working with tens of thousands of families, “challenging” kids and teachers…

And, while counterintuitive at first, this framework works like a charm.

That’s why my kids always helped with the chores…

That’s how I was able to keep my cool and patience even when I was dead tired or in a hurry…

And that’s how I’ll help you finally get your kids to do their chores. Because they WANT TO, not because they HAVE TO.

Here’s how it works:

The Independent Child Chores System

The most effective way to instill work habits for chores in your kids

The Independent Child Chores System is a digital product aimed at parents of children from 2 years of age.

Here’s everything that you’ll get:

1. My Chores Chart

This is an attractive-looking chores planner designed to record your child’s daily and weekly tasks.

It helps your child to know exactly which chores are waiting for them each day.

You’ll write your child’s name at the top of the planner and their daily and weekly chores at the bottom.

Finally, all you have to do is print it out and stick it in a place where your child can see it (we suggest the fridge or a family noticeboard).

If you want to add new tasks, you can change the planner as you wish.

2. 100 Happy Task Cards

The Happy Task Cards contain short but clear instructions for individual tasks for children aged 3 and up.

All cards are decorated with fun illustrations. Those with more complicated tasks, for children over 6 years old, also have a short description.

These will serve as a friendly reminder for your child and will help them to know exactly what to do for each task so you don’t have to explain it over and over again.

Simply print and cut out the cards you need.

Attach them under the planner so they are visible for your child to see and help themselves.

You can change the cards daily or weekly if you wish and need to. You can find detailed instructions on how to do this in the Online User Guide.

3. Chores For Each Age Guidebook

This guidebook, which includes a list of 137 tasks, will give you guidance and relieve any doubts you may have about what your child can help you with and how much they can do at a certain age.

The tasks are organized by different age groups, starting from 2 years of age.

Most parents do not realize what very young children are capable of doing.

This guide will help you know exactly what to expect from your child and what is too much for them.

4. The Independent Child Chores System worksheet

The e-manual will give you an explanation of why it is important for children to do their chores and what happens if they don’t.

You will learn a technique to make sure that your child not only does the housework, but does it with high precision. Just like you would do it!

You will also receive detailed instructions on how to use the My Chores Chart, Happy Task Cards and “Chores For Each Age” guidebook.

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76 % OFF
“My Child’s Behavior Gets Better Or It’s FREE” Guarantee
You can try the FULL Independent Child Chores System 100% risk-free. If it doesn’t absolutely exceed your expectations, send us an e-mail within 90 days and we’ll return your full investment – no questions asked!

Here’s How I Got Kids Who Never Helped With Housework to Independently Do Their Chores by Ignoring The Common Wisdom, Breaking All The Rules, And Turning The Traditional Parenting Techniques Upside Down

This Is Something Completely New, Completely Different, Completely Unlike Anything You’ve Ever Heard of Before – Read The Story Below To Discover The Independent Child Chores System…

From: The laptop of Marko Juhant
Re: Your kids doing chores (and why this is the only way to do it)

Dear parent…

I know you don’t want to be the obnoxious parent who keeps yelling at your kids because they don’t do their chores…

You don’t want to be uncertain about which chores they’re ready to take on…

You don’t want to be breathing down their necks when they’re working on their tasks, just to ensure they’re actually done…

You also don’t want threats and arguments to be the only way to get them to help you…

And you definitely don’t want to be exhausted every day because you’re the only person doing all the work around the house…

But what if, without you constantly pushing them, they do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING?

For them, chores are the most boring thing in the world, and they might say housework is annoying and unnecessary.

So you have no choice but to either do it all yourself or get into a disagreement with them.

But you don’t want arguments, you want a happy family.

And you know that doing chores is GOOD for their healthy development.

And you also know that somehow some kids seem to enjoy doing chores…

You sacrifice your time and energy for responsibilities that should not even be yours

Having worked with thousands of parents, one of the most frequent complaints that I get is that you feel like YOU need to do everything instead of them.

“I’m so frustrated with my kids’ lack of motivation when it comes to doing chores. I give them simple tasks and they still manage to find excuses not to do them. They never seem to take initiative and I end up doing everything myself.”

You know how important this is for you and for them, but they just don’t care to collaborate…

I want them to learn the value of hard work and responsibility, but it seems like they just don’t care. They just don’t seem to have any sense of urgency or responsibility.”

You tried different parenting approaches to get them to help you, but with no success…

“I’ve tried everything from bribes to punishments, but nothing seems to work.

And when you do finally get them to do something, it’s done badly or left unfinished…

“I’m so frustrated that my kids can never seem to follow through with their chores. They start with good intentions but always end up slacking off.”

It makes you frustrated. It makes you exhausted. And it’s negatively impacting your family…

“I can’t believe how entitled my kids are when it comes to doing chores. They think they shouldn’t have to do anything around the house and it’s starting to drive me crazy. I try to explain to them that it helps the family, but they just don’t get it.”

External motivation doesn’t work in the long run. And the child deteriorates due to your excessive involvement…​​

Your constant help, encouragement and taking responsibility on your shoulders may be the reason why you don’t see the desired progress with your child.

It’s a paradoxical behavior, which I see in most parents.

With your well-intentioned actions, you achieve the exact OPPOSITE of what you want.

The more you try to motivate your child with rewards, financial incentives, threats or punishments (extrinsic motivation), the LESS intrinsically motivated they are for housework.

The more you help with their tasks and the more you remind them what and how to do, the LESS independent and persistent they are to solve problems.

And the more you remind them and guide them with questions about when they will do their chores, the LESS they’re able to schedule their own obligations.

Your well-intentioned help further deepens the lack of independence and lack of interest of your child.

What you need is a SYSTEM that makes chores feel like a GAME!

Kids who do their chores independently and who strive to do them well, do so because they feel internal motivation to do it. Not because parents tell them to do it.

These kids often ASK their parents for more chores to do or to help with whatever the parent is doing.

And they feel proud after they complete their tasks. They might even brag about it.

This is all due to ONE thing – their Internal Motivation Triggers.

Some kids are born with their Internal Motivation Triggers “tuned” so that they naturally enjoy most of the chores.

Because of that, most chores to them seem clear, rewarding and challenging just to the right extent.

It’s almost like they’re playing a game. It’s interesting and fun, and they’re driven to achieve a certain result.

Other kids might not have their Internal Motivation Triggers naturally tuned in such a way that they’d enjoy chores…

But the good news is – there’s a systematic approach to emulate these triggers until they become intuitive for your child.

And that’s exactly what the Independent Child Chores System was designed to achieve.

The System is designed to help you make chores clear, rewarding and like a fun challenge. Just like a game.

How the Independent Child Chores System was born

I developed the Independent Child Chores System because of my deep interest in children’s psychology which guided me throughout my career.

I developed it while working with challenging kids for over 40 years – in schools, kindergartens, and homes all over Europe.

I spent thousands of hours learning from my mentors. Reading all sorts of different books on parenting, psychology and life.

I tested thousands of different approaches to see what works and what doesn’t.

Over time, I developed my own toolbox that helped me PREDICTABLY and CONSISTENTLY get kids to cooperate with me.

I named it the Independent Child Chores System because it’s been specifically designed to SYSTEMIZE the approach to your kid’s chores and because it’ll motivate them to do the chores INDEPENDENTLY!

With the Independent Child Chores System, your child will responsibly and independently do their chores

I personally believe that teaching kids the value of responsibility and hard work is one of the most important things that you can use to give your child a bright future and a quality life.

A Harvard Grant study found that the most successful individuals were loved unconditionally and had enviable work habits.

And the Independent Child Chores System will help you with this.

With the “Chores For Each Age” guidebook you’ll easily find the right tasks for your kids.

With 100 Happy Task Cards you’ll easily and clearly delegate these tasks to your kids.

And with My Chores Chart, you’ll easily systemize the weekly and monthly chores in a fun way, so that you’ll never need to remind your kids about what they need to do.

You will also learn a technique to make sure that your child not only does the housework, but does it with high precision. Just like you would do it!

By implementing these tools, your child will perform their duties carefully and responsibly.

They’ll do most of the work before you even get home from work. They’ll need your help only occasionally and ONLY with tasks that are really challenging for them.

This will completely change your life:

  • YOU WILL save your vocal cords and nerves;
  • YOU WILL enjoy free afternoons, weekends and holidays;
  • YOU WILL find valuable time for yourself and your hobbies;
  • THERE WILL BE more harmony, laughter and joy in the family…

… and finally, your days will no longer revolve only around housework and family arguments!

Like I said…

This is something completely different and it has the power to change everything for you…

…and I know that’s true…

Because it has changed everything for thousands of my clients already.

Implementing this system allowed them to get rid of all the things they hated about parenting, such as…

  • ​​Having to figure out which chores their kid is old enough to help with…
  • Having to constantly remind their kids to do their tasks…
  • ​​Needing to clean up the mess after the chores were not completed as they should be…
  • Being annoyed and disappointed…
  • Feeling exhausted and powerless…
  • Feeling like a bad parent…

This system freed them from all that and it allowed them to create a happy family with helpful, competent and independent kids

If you want an independent and driven child without daily arguments and lost tempers, I invite you to GET THE INDEPENDENT CHILD CHORES SYSTEM.

I guarantee you that it’s a great investment that will have a tremendously positive impact on both your and your child’s future.

Buy before you do…

I’d like to introduce myself and tell you about how all this came to be.

I’m Marko, and I’ve been working with kids for the past 40 years

I come from Slovenia (a small country in Europe), which is why you might not have heard of me yet.

I started out as a teacher on a school campus…

Quickly graduated to a principal position at a school for “challenging” kids…

And believe me, we had A LOT of issues getting them to learn.

They were unfocused, disinterested, disorganized… They even tried to manipulate me so that they wouldn’t have to study…

But I never lost my patience. I kept studying child psychology and testing different techniques on them.

Then, when other principals saw that I could help them get their students to learn, they invited me to host workshops for teachers and parents at their schools.

Right now, I do about 500 workshops every year, where I help teachers and parents with their unique challenges – even though I’m in my 60s.

Marko Juhant parenting class
A workshop in front of 300+ parents and teachers at a primary school

When parents at workshops started asking me to give them something they could read at home, I started writing books.

I ended up writing 16 parenting books, most of which topped the national bestseller lists in Slovenia and competed with titles like Harry Potter.

Book stack Marko Juhant
My stack of best-selling books that helped 100,000+ parents raise their kids better

Over the past 40 years, more than 100,000 parents and teachers read my books or listened to my lectures.

Which is quite a few since my country Slovenia only has about 800,000 parents.

This created a ripple effect throughout Europe.

All of a sudden, journalists from Croatia, Italy, Austria, Germany and Switzerland started interviewing me, and parents and teachers from all over Europe started reaching out to me for help.

I wanted to help – so I learned new languages just to be able to share my knowledge with them.

Over the years, I also worked with over 1000 European families 1on1 that came to me as “their light at the end of the tunnel”.

I came into their home, worked with the parents and kids for a week, and solved their challenges.

“How is life without chore arguments possible?”

I have two kids of my own, who are now grown-ups.

But my wife and I never had any chore-related arguments with them.

We didn’t motivate them, yell at them or even help them much.


Simply because we didn’t have to.

We knew the steps to follow to make them intrinsically motivated, independent and organized.

And you can, too, with the approach I’m about to share with you.

The Internal Motivation Triggers: The parenting “hack” that nobody talks about

The Independent Child Chores System is leveraging the Internal Motivation Triggers to make household chores feel like a GAME.

It is based on psychological techniques that teach your kid to become more independent, self-motivated and self-organized.

It’s simple, effective, and easy to use.

With it, you’ll know exactly how to delegate some of your housework to your child.

You’ll never have to motivate your kid to do their chores again.

You’ll never have to spend all afternoon cleaning up after them.

Because you’ll always know exactly what to do instead – and because you won’t need to.

To help you get your kid to independently do their chores, I developed a complete toolbox that helps you avoid the typical chore-related struggles.

You’ll effortlessly use them when it’s time to:

  • Put away toys
  • Do the dishes
  • Make the bed
  • Feed the pets
  • Water the plants
  • Hang out laundry

…and many, many other tasks.

And today, I’m thrilled to share them with you.

I combined the best tools into the Independent Child Chores System that was already tried and tested by thousands of parents who now have more helpful kids, more free time and a more happy and joyful family!

And today, you’ll be able to experience the magic of these tools as well.

Without further ado, I’d like to invite you to try…

The Independent Child Chores System

The parenting toolbox that will help you get your kids to become independent, organized and motivated to work on household chores

This isn’t a system where your kids will become motivated for a few days.

This system will teach you how to get them to become motivated, skilled and independent for life.

Over the next few days, you will:

  • EASILY know which chores are right for your child
  • EFFICIENTLY delegate some of your housework tasks to your child
  • Get your child to INDEPENDENTLY and responsibly do their chores
  • PEACEFULLY escape chore-related battles and become a better example for your kids
  • Stop wasting all afternoon on your chores and cleaning up after your kid’s chores
  • Use a RESPECTFUL and sometimes funny approach to get your kids to help you around the house
  • Get your kids to stop procrastinating and HAPPILY focus on their responsibilities
  • Help your kids to become PROUD of their housework and enjoy doing their chores

As soon as you sign up, you’ll get all the Independent Child Chores System tools and manuals that will help you get kids to independently and responsibly do their chores.

All in a respectful, peaceful and effective way, without creating unnecessary fear, emotional damage and guilt (on both sides).

When a housework battle is on the horizon, you’ll know exactly what to do to avoid it.

And because you’ll get access to all the materials immediately, you’ll easily be able to use the tools in action already today.

The Independent Child Chores System includes:

  • My Chores Chart – an attractive-looking PRINTABLE chore chart to track daily and weekly tasks;
  • 100 Task Cards with descriptions and pictures of the tasks, which serve as a reminder for your child;
  • Age-Chores Matrix with 137 tasks divided into appropriate age groups
  • The Independent Child Chores System worksheet with an explanation of how to use the system and become a better parent;
  • Detailed instructions on how to develop strong housework habits.

In short – you’ll have everything you need to turn your child into a helpful, skilled and independent child within days (though many parents reported to me that they were seeing results already on the first day).

Join thousands of parents who are no longer struggling with their household chores

This system was tested by over 25,000 parents.

Here’s what some of them said about it:

Viola V
Viola V.
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“It’s fun. I love how Marko describes a situation, the background and a solution. I’m really grateful for these lessons because I tried courses, coaching, reading about the topic, but I only collected ideas and knowledge, not practical solutions. It’s working for us.”

Maja M.
Maya M.
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“We have been dealing with bad work habits for a couple of years, and remote schooling during the pandemic only made it worse. It has diverted my son even more to gaming. The course gave me so much! I believe my son also gained a lot since I consider discipline to be one of the most important virtues in life, I even see it as a currency of the future.”

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Lili L
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“I can tell there is more mutual kindness, calmness and compassionate conversation in our family. Above all, I learned how to listen to my daughter first and then later tell her my opinion. We talk more, come to an agreement much easier and also stick to the agreement, which before was not often the case. Your expertise is definitely useful to me and we are slowly putting it into practice in our everyday life.”

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“Please listen to him! It will help you with the problems you have with your kids. It has happened to me many times. Mr. Juhant has great advice based on many years of working with children!”

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“I have to tell you that Mr. Juhant is a wonderful teacher with a capital “T”. Since I’ve found out about him, for quite a few years now, I really appreciate him, I appreciate his advice, I like the delivery of his content. Above all I like that he mentions and uses common sense, as I myself like to use it.”

Zala Jereb
Zala Jereb
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Very good advice! I learned a lot as a mother. I like it because it covers a lot of situations that I encounter as a mother on a daily basis. The children follow my instructions and the rules we have in our family much more.”

Tara B.
Tara B.
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“My girls are 7 and 10 years old. The Happy Task Cards have made my job a lot easier. They draw 5 of them every Sunday and arrange them themselves from Monday to Friday. It’s great. It’s fun because they have a responsibility and this reinforces it. It makes it easier to establish some order and saves you a lot of time. Thanks for all the ideas and support!”

Lucy R.
Lucy R. M.
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“Everything is much more organized, the tasks are clear and our kids are more motivated.”

Sonia T.
Sonia T.
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“I ordered the system mainly to see what tasks are all suitable for which years. But I also got reassured that I’m working in the right direction.”

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Maya S.
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“We stuck the chart and the cards that my sons chose themselves (5 chores a day each) on the fridge and now everyone knows what their task is and they stick to it. The problem we had before was inconsistency, but now there is none. Everyone sticks to their responsibilities because they have chosen to do so. We have chosen easier tasks for the younger children to start with, although they are 7 and 9 years old, but they can choose new tasks once a month. It is definitely easier for me now, because I have more help with the housework.


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“I have started to understand that my daughter simply needs her tasks and responsibilities, as this makes her appreciate more everything that is done at home.”

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Stela P.
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“I like the chore chart and the chore cards for the kids. The girls were thrilled with them. I think they feel more important because they can do more chores regularly. They liked that they could also choose from the list. They were happy to tick off the chores they had done. I believe that this joy will continue.”


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Monica B.
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“Before, kids used to get angry with me because I told them what to do. Now, every evening, they put the tasks for the next day on the board. Even if I mention the chores to them, it is the blackboard that dictates the tasks, not me, so they don’t get angry with me anymore because I’m “being difficult”. Our eldest also read out loud to both of the younger ones what they are capable of, given their age, and they realized that I wasn’t so demanding after all.”

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Lidia D.
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“Our children are home alone every day, from 6am when we go to work until 8am until they go to school. And nothing ever gets done. We introduced your planners, and at 2 pm, when we got home from work, the house was vacuumed, the dishwasher was emptied, the kitten was brushed and tidied, … basically, the house was tidy and that’s amazing! They loved the chore chart and ticking off tasks on the fridge 🙂 I don’t think it can get any better!”


Who is the Independent Child Chores System for?

The system is perfect for parents of children of all ages from 2 years and above, who have to argue with their child every day about chores because:

  • they are not motivated and not interested to help with housework;
  • they’re always “busy” with other things such as schoolwork, playing or other activities, so they can’t help around the house
  • they don’t have any focus and are not organized, which is why any chores are stretched out over the whole afternoon and not done very well

Parents purchased the Independent Child Chores System for the following reasons:

“In order to make sure my child takes responsibility for their chores and helps keep our household running smoothly.”

“So that my daughter can develop a strong sense of accountability and learn valuable life skills.”

“I want to avoid the daily hassle of constantly reminding my son to do his chores and nagging him to get them done.”

“I want to help my child become more organized and develop good work habits, which will benefit them in the long run.”

“I want to teach my child the importance of contributing to the household and taking care of their belongings.”

“I want to eliminate the stress and frustration of constantly having to clean up after my child and give them the opportunity to contribute.”

“I want to provide my child with a structured routine that includes completing household tasks, which will help them learn time management skills.”

If you recognize yourself in any of the described situations, I am sure that you will also take away a lot of useful advice and practical solutions from the system!

A system tailored to the (over)worked parent

I created the Independent Child Chores System for parents who don’t have time to read tons of parenting books to figure out what will help them the most.

For those of you who are always on the go and don’t have time to watch long lectures.

You prefer a straight-to-the-point solution and quickly put its contents into practice.

If that’s you, then this system will change your parenting life forever.

But don’t take my word for it…

“Fewer Chore Fights – Or It’s Free” Guarantee

Now, if for whatever other reason you’re not 100% satisfied with the product…

Then I don’t want to keep your money.

That’s why I’m backing it up with a no-questions-asked 90-day money-back guarantee.

I know that your child’s behavior will improve in just days. But just in case, I’ll give you 90 days of time to ask for a refund.

If the system doesn’t absolutely exceed your expectations, send me an e-mail at [email protected] and my team will return your full investment.

No questions asked!

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Limited time offer: Get the system for just $28

If you want me to come into your home for one week to help you solve your parenting challenges…

It will cost you more than $5,000 (plus travel expenses).

It would be more than fair to charge a tenth of that ($500) for all the tools I’ll share with you in this system…

Because they are the very same tools my 1on1 clients use to stop yelling and become happy, connected families.

But I’m not going to do that.

I strongly believe that every parent in the world should get access to the most effective parenting tools on the planet…

And money should never hold you back from making the best investment you’ll ever make into your family.

That’s why I didn’t price the system at $300, $100 or even $50…

Even though those prices would be completely fair – as the system is worth many times more.

Because I want to help as many families as possible…

You can try the challenge out, 100% risk-free, for just $9.

That’s less than half a gas tank…

It’s even less than the average toy that you buy for your kids every Christmas.

And yet, this system will bring your family much more joy than ANY gift you could buy for them…

It will bring you (and your kids) lasting happiness, joy and a beautiful childhood that you all deserve.

It will be the single best investment you’ll ever make in your family – guaranteed.

But don’t take my word for it.

Try the system out…

See the difference it makes for YOUR family…

And THEN decide whether it’s right for you or not.

You have NOTHING to lose, and EVERYTHING to gain.

The Independent Child Chores System

The most effective way to instill work habits for chores in your kids

The Independent Child Chores System is a digital product aimed at parents of children from 2 years of age.

Here’s everything that you’ll get:

1. My Chores Chart

This is an attractive-looking chores planner designed to record your child’s daily and weekly tasks.

It helps your child to know exactly which chores are waiting for them each day.

You’ll write your child’s name at the top of the planner and their daily and weekly chores at the bottom.

Finally, all you have to do is print it out and stick it in a place where your child can see it (we suggest the fridge or a family noticeboard).

If you want to add new tasks, you can change the planner as you wish.

2. 100 Happy Task Cards

The Happy Task Cards contain short but clear instructions for individual tasks for children aged 3 and up.

All cards are decorated with fun illustrations. Those with more complicated tasks, for children over 6 years old, also have a short description.

These will serve as a friendly reminder for your child and will help them to know exactly what to do for each task so you don’t have to explain it over and over again.

Simply print and cut out the cards you need.

Attach them under the planner so they are visible for your child to see and help themselves.

You can change the cards daily or weekly if you wish and need to. You can find detailed instructions on how to do this in the Online User Guide.

3. Chores For Each Age Guidebook

This guidebook, which includes a list of 137 tasks, will give you guidance and relieve any doubts you may have about what your child can help you with and how much they can do at a certain age.

The tasks are organized by different age groups, starting from 2 years of age.

Most parents do not realize what very young children are capable of doing.

This guide will help you know exactly what to expect from your child and what is too much for them.

4. The Independent Child Chores System worksheet

The e-manual will give you an explanation of why it is important for children to do their chores and what happens if they don’t.

You will learn a technique to make sure that your child not only does the housework, but does it with high precision. Just like you would do it!

You will also receive detailed instructions on how to use the My Chores Chart, Happy Task Cards and “Chores For Each Age” guidebook.

Peacful Parent e-book

Peaceful Parent (E-book): 7 Counterintuitive Strategies for Keeping Your Cool, and Becoming a Patient, Peaceful, Happy Parent

Value: $27
Anti-Anger Games e-book

PDF for Raising Explosive Kids – Unique “Anti-Anger” Games That Help You Raise a Calm, Patient and Positive Child

Value: $27
Happiness Tokens System e-book

Happiness Tokens System (Printable): Stop Your Kids From Misbehaving In Less Than 7 Days

Value: $17
Strong-Willed Kids Manual e-book

Strong-Willed Kids Manual (E-Book): 5 Advanced Strategies For Raising Strong-Willed And Stubborn Kids

Value: $27
Schoolwork strategies e-book

Schoolwork Strategies (Guide): How To Never Have “The Homework Talk”, “Bad Grade Talk” and “Why Aren’t You Studying? Talk” Ever Again

Value: $27
Back Talk Remedies e-book

Back Talk Remedies (Word-for-Word Scripts): The Exact Things To Say (And Not To Say) When Your Kids Talk Back At You

Value: $17
76 % OFF
“My Child’s Behavior Gets Better Or It’s FREE” Guarantee
You can try the FULL Independent Child Chores System 100% risk-free. If it doesn’t absolutely exceed your expectations, send us an e-mail within 90 days and we’ll return your full investment – no questions asked!

Frequently Asked Questions

Before I answer this question, let me ask you this first: how much time would you SAVE if you wouldn’t have to argue about chores with your child? And if instead, they’d actually help you with your housework?

If it’s a significant amount of time (and stress!), then I think you and I both know what you need to do.

The manual will take you less than an hour to read and then you’ll be able to implement the whole system throughout a fun activity with your child.

Now, if you’re about to go on a 10-day kid-free vacation… that’s not really a problem either. The materials will wait for you until you return; just make sure you get them now before we increase the price.

Plus, you have a whole 14 days to try the challenge 100% risk-free.

The system you’ll receive works on anyone from toddlers up until around 18 years of age.

If you still think they might be too young or too old, my recommendation is to simply give it a try. There’s nothing to lose. You can ask for a full refund until 14 days after the purchase.

I’ve been developing and using these tools for over 40 years now. Much of my work has been focused specifically on kids with various disorders because I know that being a parent in this case can be particularly challenging.

The system has been tried and tested on thousands of kids with ADHD, Autism, Anxiety and other disorders. I’ve made sure that it’s bulletproof and working flawlessly in such situations.

My recommendation is to give it a try. You have nothing to lose and I’m convinced you’ll be blown away by how effective they are for your situation.

I get this question all the time. And my answer is always the same.

I’ve been studying this subject for over 40 years now. I wrote 16 books about it and have personally tested the tools on thousands and thousands of kids.

Trust me when I say this – by now I’ve made all my materials so bulletproof that I have yet to see them fail.

You’ll be surprised by how well and how quickly this system will work for you. But don’t take my word for it – see for yourself. Try the challenge, and if it doesn’t absolutely exceed your expectations, e-mail my team, and they’ll return your full investment – no questions asked.

You will receive all the materials in a digital format via email.

Since you will receive the materials via email, you can of course access them anytime and anywhere you wish.

Once you receive the materials, they are yours to keep. You can also print them out and save them in physical form or make visual reminders out of them to help you stay consistent.

You do not need any additional application such as Zoom for the program. You will receive all the materials in a digital format via email.

Of course, you keep these materials forever. You can use them anywhere and anytime, whenever it suits you best.

The contents of the system are intended for the parenting of children of all ages. These are proven parenting techniques that simply work, regardless of the age of the children. Some also work with adults!

I totally agree with you. Your children are different from all others. And this is really not a bad thing! It just means that they are predictable in some way and that the methods will work for them as they work for most other children.

The parenting techniques I will share with you are based on the psychological patterns and responses of many of the children I have worked with and observed in my 40-year career. Regardless of their personality and special characteristics, some things remain the same and work. They are human. In the nature of all of us.

Therefore, I am sure that you will also learn something new, that you will better understand your child and that you will gain new educational approaches and techniques that will make parenting easier and more successful.

Of course! You can order the program and them e-mail us at [email protected] to transform ownership to the person you want to gift it to.

If you are not satisfied with the product, please notify us at [email protected] within 14 days of purchase and get your money back.

Please just review and actually try to use the content in practice.

The Independent Child Chores System

The most effective way to instill work habits for chores in your kids

The Independent Child Chores System is a digital product aimed at parents of children from 2 years of age.

Here’s everything that you’ll get:

1. My Chores Chart

This is an attractive-looking chores planner designed to record your child’s daily and weekly tasks.

It helps your child to know exactly which chores are waiting for them each day.

You’ll write your child’s name at the top of the planner and their daily and weekly chores at the bottom.

Finally, all you have to do is print it out and stick it in a place where your child can see it (we suggest the fridge or a family noticeboard).

If you want to add new tasks, you can change the planner as you wish.

2. 100 Happy Task Cards

The Happy Task Cards contain short but clear instructions for individual tasks for children aged 3 and up.

All cards are decorated with fun illustrations. Those with more complicated tasks, for children over 6 years old, also have a short description.

These will serve as a friendly reminder for your child and will help them to know exactly what to do for each task so you don’t have to explain it over and over again.

Simply print and cut out the cards you need.

Attach them under the planner so they are visible for your child to see and help themselves.

You can change the cards daily or weekly if you wish and need to. You can find detailed instructions on how to do this in the Online User Guide.

3. Chores For Each Age Guidebook

This guidebook, which includes a list of 137 tasks, will give you guidance and relieve any doubts you may have about what your child can help you with and how much they can do at a certain age.

The tasks are organized by different age groups, starting from 2 years of age.

Most parents do not realize what very young children are capable of doing.

This guide will help you know exactly what to expect from your child and what is too much for them.

4. The Independent Child Chores System worksheet

The e-manual will give you an explanation of why it is important for children to do their chores and what happens if they don’t.

You will learn a technique to make sure that your child not only does the housework, but does it with high precision. Just like you would do it!

You will also receive detailed instructions on how to use the My Chores Chart, Happy Task Cards and “Chores For Each Age” guidebook.

Peacful Parent e-book

Peaceful Parent (E-book): 7 Counterintuitive Strategies for Keeping Your Cool, and Becoming a Patient, Peaceful, Happy Parent

Value: $27
Anti-Anger Games e-book

PDF for Raising Explosive Kids – Unique “Anti-Anger” Games That Help You Raise a Calm, Patient and Positive Child

Value: $27
Happiness Tokens System e-book

Happiness Tokens System (Printable): Stop Your Kids From Misbehaving In Less Than 7 Days

Value: $17
Strong-Willed Kids Manual e-book

Strong-Willed Kids Manual (E-Book): 5 Advanced Strategies For Raising Strong-Willed And Stubborn Kids

Value: $27
Schoolwork strategies e-book

Schoolwork Strategies (Guide): How To Never Have “The Homework Talk”, “Bad Grade Talk” and “Why Aren’t You Studying? Talk” Ever Again

Value: $27
Back Talk Remedies e-book

Back Talk Remedies (Word-for-Word Scripts): The Exact Things To Say (And Not To Say) When Your Kids Talk Back At You

Value: $17
76 % OFF
“My Child’s Behavior Gets Better Or It’s FREE” Guarantee
You can try the FULL Independent Child Chores System 100% risk-free. If it doesn’t absolutely exceed your expectations, send us an e-mail within 90 days and we’ll return your full investment – no questions asked!
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